Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Stinkin Wind!!!

So, I know that Idaho is a pretty windy place to live, but enough is enough!!

Last night at about 6:45 the wind started blowing and not just the normal average 20 mph wind. It was more like 50 mph, it was crazy! The satellite dish is now in pieces and I missed American Idol, the only TV show I even watch.

And it's the finale tonight and I doubt that a repair man will be here in time.... Oh well I guess it's not the end of the world...

Now, if only I could find a way to get something out of this wind........

P.S. does anyone know if there is a place on the internet to watch American Idol performances??


Walker Family said...

I hope you got to watch it last night... We watched pieces of it off and on...Farmer wants a wife was we flipped channels all night... It was such a great show!

Laurie said...

The performances are all on YouTube. They each sang 3 songs so make sure you watch them all. It was really good! They are both so amazing that how can you go wrong with either winner. Let me know if you can't find them and I'll have Ken send you the links. That's how he watched it because he was out shooting on Tuesday.

Brandi said...

I'M SO SORRY!!! Did you ever get to watch it? It was actually sad because I (and I'm sure most people with TIVO/DVR) recorded it. So, of course it only recorded exactly 2 hours. Well, they didn't announce who it was until exactly that point, so it got cut off. Luckily, my TV had still been on that channel, so it continued to record...PHEW!!! Anyways, I was happy either way, I loved them both! I was surprised though...I really thought Archuletta would win.