Kyler is such a goofy kid...he is always doing something to make us laugh. He loves spending time with his dad outside. He goes to the door and points at it because he wants us to take him outside. Thank goodness for the warmer weather.
or the cabinents................
Update on Kyler's medical situation:
Just when we thought we were getting some answers we have hit another roadblock it seems. We took Kyler to Boise to have the special MRI's and images done for the Iowa docs. They were successful in getting them and they are in Iowa with the docs there and we are hoping to have a better idea of what the plan is there soon. However, while being sedated and having the MRI's the nursing staff was a little conserned with Kyler's breathing. They suggested that he see a ENT to make sure that his airways were clear. We had an appointment on Thursday and he has very large adenoids and tonsils. They also did a hearing test and he has very poor hearing and has to have some scar tissue in his ears removed and tubes put it. The doctor thinks that he sleeps so restless becuase he probably has sleep apnea because of the tonsils, adenoids, etc. So needless to say Kyler will be having surgery the first of next week.
I am glad that we figured all of this out before we got back to Iowa. We definatly want to have him in the best shape that we can before he goes back there.....
WOW...I'm glad you got some sort of answer at least. Getting tonsils/adenoids out definitely isn't fun, but Kennedy has slept a million times better ever since. Good luck...remember, LOTS OF FLUIDS! And a humidifier works wonders...the cool mist really soothes their throat. Which ENT did you see?
Poor little guy we love him so much and he is in our prayers!!!! Give him a hug for me and I hope things go better for you guys!!!!
Good Luck!!! We did the tube thing with Morgyn last year. It was Heaven after that. She wasn't near as sick. It lasted a year.... they've fallen out but cross our fingers she's not had any ear infections. I swear by tubes. It's the best thing ever. Morg talked and talked and talked after we did it cause she could hear better! Good luck!
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