Wow...where has the summer gone?? This month has passed so quickly! I cannot beleive that we are at the end. So, here's a quick recap of our last moth of summer.
**Kyler and I spent the first of August in Iowa preparing for his surgery later in the fall. This was s big deal for me to take him alone without Josh. He's pretty much an angel all of the time, however his is an almost 2 yr old boy....
**Good Friends came to visit and the kids spent lots of time in the hotel swimming pool and at Pretzelmaker...Thanks!! Stef, Chad, E and Preslee!! We had a blast!
** Then was my 10 yr reunion that I only got to go to part of.
** Next, was dance team camp all this past week. Not to mention ordering costumes, finishing choreography, and getting ready for FB season!!
Worst part of it all....I can't remember the last time I used my camera...UGHHH!